Eucalyptus globulus commonly known as Tasmanian Blue Gum was traditionally used medicinally by local indigenous people.

Uses and Benefits
Eucalyptus is traditionally consumed by drinking a tea made from infusing one or two leaves into hot water.
The tea assists in clearing the respiratory system of mucus and expands the bronchi and bronchioles in your lungs which can make breathing easier and deeper.
An anti anxiety that assists in relieving stress and calms the mind and body.
Also effective in relieving cold and flu symptoms including congestion and cough.
The tea is high in antioxidants, which can help protect your body from oxidative stress and free radical damage. Also an anti inflammatory which can relieve pain caused from inflammation.
Also beneficial for teeth and gum health as eucalyptus tea reduces bacteria in the mouth.
Inhaling the steam is also effective in relieve respiratory issues, coughs and colds. Can also relieve stress.
Smelling the freshly crushed leaves help relieve stress.